The Adventures of Happy Harry Hedgehog

Hi! . . . I’m Harry . . .you may not know this, but me and my hedgehog pals are now an endangered species. Since 1950 (so the experts say) we have declined from a population of 30 million to barely 1 million. This decline is because we’ve lost our homes in the towns and countryside. We’ve also found it more and more difficult crossing busy roads without getting hurt, and we’ve lost foraging and nesting sites because of intensive farming. We urgently need your help!

This old gentleman Dennis and his friend David have written and illunstrated a story book about me. It’s hoped the book will raise funds for good causes and encourage more people to provide access to their gardens and other outdoor spaces for us to visit and where we can make our homes.

Copies price £3.95 are available from the Tuesday Stall at the hospital and from the Hospital Shop. From every copy sold, £1 will be donated to the Primrose Cars Appeal.

If you wish to order a copy online, go to the Donate page and make a donation of £5. Where it says Would you like to add a Message? add for Happy Harry book. Make sure you leave your address when asked and we will send you a copy.