Much of the money raised has already been put to use by the hospital –
- A Mini-C-arm X-ray machine is in use in theatres by plastic and orthopaedic surgeons operating on hands, wrists, elbows, ankles and feet. One great advantage of this machine is that it can be used by the surgeon without necessitating the presence of a radiographer.
- An Endobronchial Ultrasound service has been established by the chest physicians providing an important element in the diagnosis of lung cancer and other chest conditions. This on-site service avoids patients having to travel into London to have this investigation carried out.
- Purchase of the Mohs equipment for removal of skin cancers with minimal scarring is on hold pending all the elements of the service being put in place.
- Project Listen. The provision of entertainment at the bedside and in particular the bringing back of Hospital Radio Bedford into the wards has become a major part of the Appeal. Since the removal of the overbed TV screens there has been a lack of bedside entertainment for patients unless they had their own tablet or smart phone to access the hospital WiFi. Harnessing the technology now available through Wi-Fi and using simple tablet devices, it is proving possible to provide access for even the most technophobic patients. Indeed, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is the first NHS Trust in the UK to introduce free TV for patients, visitors and staff.
- A ‘Sonosite’ Ultrasound machine has been purchased for the Cardiology Dept. This is a machine which is sited in the cardiac catheter laboratory to provide emergency ultrasound scans and make vascular access easier.
- And still there is more available to keep our Hospital equipped to the highest standard.